A fantastical short film about a woman who attempts to escape the burdens of adulting by disappearing into her childlike imagination.
Handcrafted by Michelle.
When a middle-aged woman becomes bogged down by the realities of adulting she is thrust into her imagination where her reflection comes to life & the pair track down a bad vibe. Come on! This way!
While traversing the imaginary worlds inside the woman's head (like two kids playing make-believe) the pair discover an animated creature clinging to their emotional baggage obnoxiously wailing. Oh no! It's an Emotional Baggage Zombie!
Uuuuuu I don’t know about this. While debating themselves on how to handle their unwanted baggage the EBZ stumbles into a black hole & plummets toward the mother of all bad vibes. Uh oh!
Chasing after the EBZ the pair fly through outer-space in a cardboard rocket ship. Will they catch it & stop their baggage from disappearing into the abyss of the woman's imagination for all of eternity??
Faster! Faster!! Ludicrous speed!!
Featured Work.